Friday, June 29, 2007

What would I do without my mom?

I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to my mom for everything!

Larry and I are having company tonight and I was worried I wasn't going to get everything done that I wanted. So, what do I do? Call Mom of course. She was more than happy to come watch the girls for a few hours so I could do some stuff. I got Natalie's room clean, all the food shopping done and the preparation started, Natalie had a bath, and the rest of the house was picked up so I can get to the dusting. All of that would have taken me all day with both girls. When one doesn't need me anymore the other one does!!! Natalie is pretty self-sufficient, but she does need her mommy every now and then. And of course Vanessa needs me all the time. Mom really helped out and the rest of the day can be a little more relaxed. I still have quite a bit to get done, but at least now it seems manageable. I even had time to post!

Thank you mom. I love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome How cute the pictures of the girls tongues. Can we get together some day this week at connies so i can hold that little one? phil has surgery Mon so let's plan a play date for Wed/Thurs. I'm going to enjoy your writings. Love ya aunt marilyn