Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Very Sad

Last night, at about 8, we lost my Uncle Bill to cancer.

I say he was mine, but he was actually Larry's. By birth at least. But I saw him most every day for the last 5 years. I came to love him and care about him just as if we were related by blood. So, in a way, he was mine too.

He was such a neat guy. He was funny and found humor in just about everything. Recently he was on a dose of chemo that he had a horrible reaction to. His skin got itchy and red and scaly. He joked that he wouldn't need a mask for Halloween because he looked scary enough already. But he didn't look scary, he just looked uncomfortable. Now he is finally comfortable again. And we are all thankful for that.

This Christmas he sent out Christmas cards. The funny thing was they were samples that were sent to the tow lot. They all said, "Merry Christmas! Company Name Here." He crossed that out and put Uncle Bill. When we received it in the mail I laughed out loud.

He loved my kids and was like another Grandpa to them. He was always giving Nat cookies, or donuts, or candy, always after telling her to "go ask mom if it's alright." He would tease her that there were monkeys living in the key cabinet at work. She would open it up and say they weren't there and he would tell her they must have all got out when she opened the door. "Oh Bii-lll, monkeys live in the zoo" she would say. He would just laugh and they would do it all again the next day. I will never, ever forget the first time Natalie went and gave him a big hug and said, "I love you Bill." "Well, I love you too Natalie," he said. And they meant it.

I was lucky that I got to know Bill as long as I did. Larry was lucky that he had an Uncle that he was so close to. That he could talk to about work or family or life. My kids were lucky to have someone that was so good to them and loved them. We were all lucky to have Bill in our lives.

I thought I would be overcome with grief today, and I am very sad. But more than that I am overcome with a thankfulness that I can't quite explain. I am thankful that we went to visit Bill on Sunday and Natalie was able to give him one last hug and I was able to give him one last kiss on the head. I am thankful that his fight with cancer was fairly short and the bad times were far outnumbered by the good. I am thankful that he doesn't hurt or feel sick anymore. I am thankful his life ended with the people he loved and that loved him around him.

Larry and I already miss him so much. And we will forever.


Natalie just HAD to sit next to Bill on the train at Wastson Park, and of course he said yes even though he was all squished in the middle.

From left to right: Marie, Butch, Jim, May, Bill and Bud.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the most moving things you've ever written, Loni. I loved it and I cried. You captured Bill wonderfully, and I'm glad that Natalie will have this to read and look at when she's older.
A very nice tribute that I think Bill would have loved.

Sarah said...

I am sorry for your loss. Like your mom said, you wrote this beautifully.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of a wonderful person that you were so lucky to have known. We can't all say what you did. Sometimes we fail to see the little things people do for us or those we love somehow it slips past us. I'm so glad you and Larry and Nat had Bill in your life and that you recongnized his special part in your lives. He will live forever in your hearts because you loved him. You all are in my prayers. Aunt Marilyn

Andie said...

I'm sorry you have lost someone you loved so much. What a blessing to have had someone to add such happiness to your lives while you had him. I pray God comforts your hearts.