Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kid Stuff

Last night Natalie and I were discussing an episode of Caillou that we had watched earlier in the day.
"Mom, Caillou was really mad at his daddy."
"Yes, he was. He wasn't being a very good boy was he?"
"No. But he just wanted to be a grown up. I want to be a grown up too."
"No you don't. Trust me. Stay a kid as long as you can."
"Because when you are a grown up you can't do all the fun kid stuff that you like to do."
"Why not? You do kid stuff."

I thought back through the day, and she was ,in fact, correct. I had played PBSkids on the computer with her. The three of us had built block towers as tall as we could and when they fell we made funny noises and laughed like crazy. I had run through the sprinkler in my clothes. Since the chicken wasn't thawed out yet we had eaten macaroni and cheese in SpongeBob shapes for dinner. I watched a particularly good episode of House of Mouse. I had done all kinds of fun "kid stuff" throughout the day. I couldn't quite explain to Natalie that it still wasn't as good as being a kid. But it sure did make me sit back and appreciate all the fun we had.


Anonymous said...

oh my I cannot stand Caillou... Hailey and Ryan aren't allowed to watch it...not that its a bad show general...but it seems like Caillou has a way with whining all the time...

Sarah said...

I love this blog. It is sweet and great she showed you your fun day.

Andie said...

And those are the reasons that YOU are an AWESOME mom! And sometimes, being a mom is better than being a kid! I mean, really...when you were a kid, did you get to pick what was for dinner? Did your mom or dad ever say "That's enough TV, time to shut it off." (or computer games now days!)...:o) Now we can watch and play as long as we what if dinner isn't ready RIGHT on time, and hey, the vacuum isn't going anywhere, I can use it tomorrow!! :o)
