Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm having a....

you will have to stay tuned for that info. I go in at 2ish for my sonogram, so unless I have a very modest child, I will know if we are having a little Larry or another little Loni later today. If you all are taking bets I'm pretty sure it's a boy. Just let me in on some of your winnings.

Yesterday was one of those days. You know. The ones where nothing goes right. Natalie was horrible all day. Most of the time I can kind of figure out why she has bad days. It ranges from not enough sleep to being over-excited about something. But yesterday I never figured it out. It was just a bad day. I had both girls asleep by 8:45, then I cried for a while because that is what pregnant girls do (try explaining that to my husband though who was totally confused by me all night) and then I went to bed early. Today I took Natalie to school and gave myself some retail therapy! I went to Target and got some stuff we needed, some stuff we didn't (like I really need more scrapbooking stuff) and I even started some Christmas shopping. They had their Polly Pocket stuff on clearance for 50% off so I picked up a few packages to put back for Natalie. It is never to early to start Christmas shopping..especially when you will have three kids by then!

I am going to go get ready to pick up Nat and then head to the doctor. I will try to update later and let you all know what to expect in November!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I should start on Christmas shopping....I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off last year trying to get all the gifts bought...on top of christmas gifts... I have to get birthday gifts for my niece Lauren, Natalie, and Hailey! So, I think I will be browsing the toy isle next time I stop in WalMart or Target...