Wednesday, August 13, 2008

As the panic sets in

Maybe it's just because we had a horrible day yesterday. Maybe it's because November just keeps getting closer and closer. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones. Maybe it is everything all rolled up into one big ball of scary.

I am starting to get VERY worried about how I'm going to handle having three kids. in more than two, which is how many parents there are in the house. This means that we will be outnumbered. Holy crap. What the hell am I going to do?
It all kind of hit me yesterday, otherwise known as the "Day All Hell Broke Loose". From the start it was a bad day. I was in a crappy mood, left over from my Monday blahs I guess. Whatever it was, I was impatient and snippy and not a very fun mommy to be around. My girls sensing how bad a day I was having got together and decided to give Mom a break and be perfect angels all day....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No, really, they decided to be on their absolute worst behavior imaginable. Natalie was all sass and back talk. She wouldn't do one thing I asked of her, even if it was to go outside and play. Nope, nothing doing. She was adamant about staying as close to me as possible while screeching and whining and basically acting like a 2-year-old. Vanessa was clingy and irritable. She wanted me to know what she wanted without actually telling me. Maybe she thought I had developed ESP overnight. She would scream at me in what I'm sure were words only deemed appropriate for sailors (and I truly think if the sailors could understand what she was saying some of them might even blush). There was nowhere to hide. I couldn't get away from these two little hellions. And to make matters so. much. worse, Vanessa wouldn't sleep. She was tired, there was no question about that, but she wouldn't lay down and take a nap. I tried everything. Of course she ended up passing out way late so it would totally screw up bedtime...which it did. She didn't go to sleep until 11pm last night. We had started bedtime rituals at 8:30. Talk about a long night after a long day.
So, with all this craziness with my two beautiful little girls yesterday, the one thing that someone said to me was, "just think, pretty soon you will have three!". Way to kick me when I'm down. It seems like every time I complain about a bad day or my kids are running in two different directions away from me or I am telling one girl to just leave the other ALONE I have to hear someone remind me that it will just all get worse in a few months. Thanks. I think I get it. Three kids is harder than two. Yep. Makes sense. Is that really what people think you need to hear when your two kids are driving you nuts? That it can only get harder? Yeah, I think not.
Last night as I was desperately trying to get Vanessa to lay down quietly and Natalie was crying because, apparently, only I can lay in bed beside her the correct way, I was totally freaking out. How am I going to manage all three girls? Larry does what he can, but the girls want me. How am I going to be in three separate places at once? Right now I have to put Vanessa to bed first in any way possible, and then I have to go read to and lay with Natalie. If one doesn't get to sleep and cries or yells the other one wakes up too and we have to start all over again, but this time with one kid who is angry they are not first. Or that they are first. Or that they have to go to bed at all. At some point it just becomes chaotic and nothing good or productive happens. And I end up with kids awake at 11pm. That is just not going to fly when Natalie starts school in two weeks. At this point she can sleep in in the morning. Not so much when she has to be to school by 9:15. And then add a screaming baby into the mix.
I am sure everything will work out and we will be able to find some kind of routine that works for us. Just like we did when I was freaking out before we had Vanessa. But right now it seems more like a big black hole that I am falling deeper and deeper into. And if any of you moms of multiples (Andie? Michelle?) have any advice on how to get more than one kid to go to sleep please pass it along. I really need it!!! But please don't tell me it is only going to get worse...or I might just have to punch you!!


Unknown said...

It must be bad girl day going around this week. Yesterday was your turn, today its mine. I don't know how you do it with two. You get my praise for that. It will be scary at first but you will get into a routine with the new baby and everything will be fine. Keep your head up and please don't punch me. Kenley already beat me up for the day!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was pretty much going to say what Tara said, so I'll just ditto hers. It seemed to be a very bad day for everyone yesterday. Work Sucked big time, and made me question loyalty and friendship and a whole gaggle of emotions. So, if it makes you feel any better at all, at least you don't have to put up with any of that crap while trying to deal with your girls. I'm so happy for that. Anyway, Sweetie, I hope you and Larry do something special while I have my Grandbabies on Friday night, and that you get lots and lots of sleep. I love you and one more little girl will only mean a whole lot more love for us. MOM

Anonymous said...

it doesnt get worse it only gets louder! lol=) sry. i know thats not at all helpful. bad days just happen no matter how many kids u have 1-10+. ur family will adjust when the baby gets here and everything will work out. i love and miss u. and rite now i feel bad cuz i wasnt there 4 u 2 vent 2......but u could still call me!


Anonymous said...

it doesnt get worse it only gets louder! lol=) sry. i know thats not at all helpful. bad days just happen no matter how many kids u have 1-10+. ur family will adjust when the baby gets here and everything will work out. i love and miss u. and rite now i feel bad cuz i wasnt there 4 u 2 vent 2......but u could still call me!


Sarah said...

Your post today reminded me of another blog I read everyday. She just had her third and is working through the learning stages. It is hard and there are bad and good days. You should check it out. I might help to read about someone who is having the same issues. I am thinking about you.

Liz said...

OK, thats it, I'm telling Charlie that for the sake of Loni's sanity, we are moving to Wichita to help her out! LOL...I wish. You are in my eyes wonder mom because you have (on most days) the most beautiful well behaved little beauties. I agree with the pp's though b/c this has been 'hell week' in our home too. I'm not a mom of 3, but I do watch a 6month old all day every week day, and all I can say is get # 3 used to all the noise and disruption you can so that going to sleep in the middle of it will be no biggie. I love you, and at some point one of us will win phone tag!

Andie said...

Every family has "those" days!! I certainly have my share...but then there are "those" other days, the wonderful ones, when someone takes your crazy kids and replaces them with robots who seem to do exactly as told, smile, say please, give you hugs and kisses, ask to do chores, etc... Ok, noone has replaced my kids with robots lately, but some days are good, some days are not so good. That's just how life is. Hopefully the good days will outnumber the bad, but when you are in the middle of the bad one, it's hard to remember the good ones, I know!
Bedtime's tough with little ones. But like you said, you can't be EVERYWHERE, with EVERYONE. Maybe start reading a book all snuggled together and then do hugs/kisses, and tuck them in. I don't lay in bed or snuggle with any of them. By the time they are off to bed, I'm ready for a little "me" time. When the new little one is born, you just have to adjust your schedule. Make sure that Larry is a part of the reading/good night routine, so if you need to be nursing the new little one, the girls will miss you, but they will know that Daddy knows what to do! :o) Plus, this might give you the chance to go out with friends once in a while!
You ask how I do it (well, any mom of more than 2...) we just do. It might (probably will) survival mode for a while, you do what you have to do. It's not easy, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. It's not easy, but it is the most wonderful, rewarding task you can ever do! You are a wonderful mom of your two girls, even on 'those' days...and you will be a wonderful mom of three girls! Love ya girl! Next time you're having a bad day...CALL ME! We'll have a pity party together over the phone, and then we'll make our kids a gourmet meal of pb&j's and send them to bed! :o)

Loni said...

You are all WONDERFUL!!! What would I do without my wonderful friends, family, and blogging buddies? I'm sure I would be in the loony bin by now. I probably should be anyway!!
Thank you for the advice and for caring enough to comment here. I love you all!

Unknown said...

No real advice, I'm learning as I go. But you adjust! Best of luck!