Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Paper and the Nose

***A real-life fairytale***

Once upon a time there was a very silly girl who liked to do very silly things. One night, right before bed, she decided to try to put some paper up her nose. She found out very quickly that putting the paper up her nose was easy, it was retrieving the paper that proved to be more difficult.
She went to her Mother. "Mama, I put paper up my nose and now I can't get it out."
"Why would you put paper up your nose?" her Mother said.
Together they went to the little girl's Father. Her Mother thought they should go to the emergency room so they didn't make the problem worse trying to fix it themselves. But the Father was brave and crafty and knew that he could save the day. So armed with nothing but a flashlight and a pair of tweezers he went to work.
The Mother again asked, "Why would you put paper up your nose?"
After three valiant efforts, the Father finally pulled a small wad of paper out of the silly little girl's left nostril. Everyone was relieved and happy that a trip to the hospital would not be necessary. The Mother and the Father told the little girl that she was NEVER, EVER to put anything up her nose ever again. Ever. The little girl promised that she would not and her Mother took her back to bed. As the little girl climbed into bed her Mother asked again, "Why in the world would you put paper up your nose?"
The little girl contemplated the question for a second and said, "Well, I found it on the floor."
The moral of this real-life fairytale is this: If you find a piece of paper on the floor remember that there are many things to do with the paper. But for goodness sakes, please resist the urge to put it up your nose!


Anonymous said...

Haha. Aren't kids the greatest, LOL.

Liz said...

OMG I am busting up laughing at this! I love me a good fairy tale!

Jaime said...

LOL... What a great story for Friday morning =)

Andie said...

When I was teaching (before my kids) one of my students put a little rock up her nose. All the other teachers wanted to call her mom to take her to the hospital. They wanted to go after it with tweezers. I plugged her other nostril and told her to blow her nose...OUT it flew! WHY oh WHY do kids put things up their noses?????

Sorry I haven't been visiting your blog busy here! I hope Nat has a wonderful day at school on Monday!!!

Love ya-