Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Significant Icing Events and me

It is still just raining pretty good here, but since they say the temps are going to keep dropping, I would say we are in for a pretty good sheet of ice out there. By the time Larry has to drive home from work at 7 it will be SO dangerous. I will worry until he pulls in the driveway, of course, just like I did last night. I am so much like my mother it's scary. I sit there and imagine all the horrible things that could happen and then when I have thought about them thoroughly, I convince myself that they really happened. Then I freak out until I am proven wrong. It's not a healthy habit. It makes me, and every one around me, crazy. Just like my mom!

Since the news has been full of talk of the impending ice storm for days now, Larry and I have had some time to talk about our options if and when the power goes out. I can remember the January 2005 storm so well. It was right after Natalie's first birthday party. Our power went out pretty early in the storm and stayed out for about a week. Natalie and I toughed it out for about a half of a day, then we all moved into Larry's office at work. Two adults, a one-year-old and two dogs...all living in a little office at a tow lot. Not my idea of a great time. But we made the most of it. We took videos and games and lots of toys. We slept on a pallet of blankets and cushions for the outdoor chairs. Natalie had her pack n' play to sleep and play in. It wasn't all that bad, but I was so excited the day we came home and we had power!!! A big branch had broken off and landed on our cable wire in the back yard, but that was really the only damage we received. One house up the street had a giant tree just tip over from all the weight right onto the front of the house. Another house caught fire. All in all we were pretty lucky.
We have decided that this time around we will be going back to the lot if the power is knocked out. It really is the most convenient place for us. Larry has to work anyway (tow lots don't close for ice...they just get busier!) and everyone else that we could stay with are pretty far away. This way we are close enough to check on the house every day and keep a somewhat normal schedule. But, let's all just hope our power stays on and we can remain warm and cozy in our own home.

To all of you out there reading this that are effected by this big storm, stay safe and stay warm!