Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It really is a wonderful life!

Life is moving about a zillion miles per hour right now. It's like when the holidays come along, time speeds up. I remember as a kid the month before Christmas seemed to take for-ev-er. Now it all goes so fast! There is so much to do, so many places to be, so many plans to make. It is all kind of crazy...but oh so much fun. Now with Natalie in full out Christmas mode and Vanessa really beginning to enjoy all this holiday craziness, it is even more fun.

Last Friday Vanessa had her very first cinematic experience...and she slept through the whole thing! I was worried about how she would handle the noise, but before the movie even started she had a bottle and went to sleep. So as she slept, Mom, Natalie and I watched "Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium". I loved loved loved it. It was a little over Nat's head and dealt quite a bit with death, but it was such a nice, sweet movie. I have to admit, it was nice to see a real G rated movie for once. No fart jokes, no sexual innuendos that I hope that my 3-year-old won't ask me about. Don't get me wrong...I love me some Shrek and I am not some saint that only likes pure, wholesome entertainment. But I actually relaxed with this movie and didn't worry that Natalie was seeing something she really shouldn't. The only thing that bothered me was when she kept asking about death, but we have been slowly introducing that into her life. Just the other day I had to explain to her that Max the lizard died and we had to bury him in the garden. I don't want her to be terrified by the thought of death at this age. She already has had a reoccuring nightmare that Larry and I die and she has to go live with Nana and Papa.

But I digress. The movie was fabulous and I recommend it highly.

Yesterday while Natalie was in school, Vanessa and I finished up our Christmas shopping...pretty much. I have a few other things to get, but for the most part I am done. And I have even started wrapping some. It feels so nice to be on top of things this early. Usually the week before Christmas I am out in the crowds trying to get everyone shopped for. This year I slowly bought stuff when I found good sales. I got the most for my money which was essential with two kids to shop for now. The funny thing is I will look in the Sunday ads every week and when I find something I got a month ago on sale for more than I got it for I feel this sense of accomplishment and pride. It's kind of ridiculous what makes me happy these days! It really is the little things in life.

Last night we met Larry after work and got our Christmas tree. We haven't had a real tree since we lived together in Lawrence. I was excited to finally get that smell back in the house. But then we got the damn thing and I remembered the pros of a fake tree. Because it took so long to get the tree even ready to go up, and I won't even go into the fiasco that was putting it in it's stand, we didn't decorate it. Natalie put the angel on top and we stopped for the night. This morning Larry and I strung the lights so it's all ready for us. I will take the girls out to look at Christmas lights around downtown and then we will all snuggle up, drink hot chocolate, and decorate. Good family fun!

I will end with this picture of Nat placing the angel. We have a big day of seeing Santa tomorrow, so I will try to post more pics after that. Until then I will try to slow down and actually enjoy the season.....we'll see!


Andie said...

Hey...thanks for commenting on my blog!!! Don't you just LOVE Christmas!! Getting ready, the excitement, the sparkle! :-)
My kids do the "CHEESY SMILE" most of the time for pictures, so this time I was trying to get them to smile a REAL smile. I tickled them, made funny faces, told jokes...and got pretty frustrated in the mean time. Thankfully, a few of the 30+pictures turned out ok...I'm thinking of putting #22 & the last silly one on the letter...still don't know!
Christmas blessings-