Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting political on yo asses!!

You might not know this about me, but I am fiercely political. I am passionate about my views. I am also passionate about your views, even if they don't always agree with mine. I would much rather a person have different ideas on the issues then no ideas at all. Unless you are a fan of Bush...I'm just kidding....kind of.
Today is Super Tuesday and by tonight we are going to have a much clearer vision of where our country will be heading. I am excited by this. We are finally going to get some much needed change in our government. There are some candidates that promote more change than others (hello McCain..100 years in Iraq? Seriously? And you think people want that?). Take the democratic ticket for example. It will either be a young black man or a woman. Wow. Doesn't that just give you chills? I am thrilled we are opening up our collective minds and allowing change in. That makes this election important all on it's own.
The other issue making this election so important is that our country is struggling. Our economy is down, people are getting kicked out of their houses right and left, millions are going without enough to eat, kids aren't getting the proper care for their health. Which leads me to one of my key issues, we don't have any kind of universal health care. It has been done, and done well, in other countries that have far less money and resources. So why are we ok with so many middle of the financial road Americans not having the means to go to the doctor when they need to?
And then there is this war. This ridiculous war. I just want our men and women back home, where they should be. Not out fighting Bush's personal vendetta. We have screwed oursleves in the area of foreign relations, which is one of the scariest things I can think of. Who is going to have our backs when we are threatened again? And don't think that we won't be. We are not any safer now then we were in 2001. I would go so far as to say we are in more danger now with the amount of hate that has built up towards us around the world.
Of course there is also the envrionment that we are not so slowly destroying, a lacking education system where children are left behind constantly, woman's rights, human rights, immigration, and the ever-present problem of tax hikes and breaks. As you can probably tell at this point, I could go on and on and on and on and on.
At this point in our history we all need to stand up. We need to use our voices and our votes. We need to let Washington DC know we are not happy with how things are going. We need to shape our own futures and prepare the world for our kids to take over.
Go Clinton...or Obama....or both(wouldn't that be a great ticket?)


Liz said...

OK, honestly...I know nothing about politics, which is why your blog is SOOOO very important to me (heck with the baby updates! lol j/k) But seriously, I love your insight! I think I share a lot of your views, but unlike you, have no idea who I need to vote for. You are such a good person! I vote Loni for president!!!

Anonymous said...

About all I can say is that I am very, very proud that you are my daughter! I love that you care so much, Lonner. And, this shows me that kids don't have to rebel against their parents beliefs if those beliefs are right, hunh? I'm just kidding about that, but it does my heart good to know that you came to these conclusions on your own after a lot of studying and experience led you there. I agree with Liz!! Loni in 2024!!! The girls should be old enough then to help with the campaign, don't ya think?

Sarah said...

I feel like standing up and clapping! Well Said Loni, well said.