Monday, August 13, 2007

3-year-olds say the weirdest things!

Natalie is weird. Don't worry, I'm not making fun of her or anything. That would essentially be making fun of myself anyway because I am quite certain she got every ounce of weirdness from her mommy. But the things she says definitely make me pause. Take this conversation from this weekend for example.

Me: what's wrong with you? why are you so upset? I didn't even do anything!

Nat: I'm crying because the world out there is changing. (said in a VERY dramatic voice with a VERY dramatic head tilt)


Nat: The world is changing and I don't like it.

Me: WHAT? You're three!

Nat: I just don't like it.

....and she went to her room to play. I was dumbstruck. Then a little while later she was talking to her Nana on the phone. She had been in trouble and had been crying so her voice was a bit shaky....

Nana: Hi sweetie. Are those mean parents of yours not letting you do anything and everything you want including eating nothing but chocolate pudding, jumping from the couch and trying to land on the dogs, and going outside alone completely naked to chase the ice cream truck? (ok, this is not exactly what she said, but you get the idea)

Nat: No, Nana. I have been crying all day because the world out there is changing.

Nana: WHAT?

Nat: The world is changing and I think that means it's going to explode.

Nana (and me simultaneously): WHAT!!!

Nat: It's going to explode.

Me: Honey, the world is not going to explode.

Nana: No, the world is not going to explode.

Nat: I think it is.

...and she went off to play.
Now, before you all sit there and say "what in the hell are these bad parents letting their little girl watch on tv?" I have to say I am very careful of everything she watches. She can usually only watch videos that have been pre-screened by us. If not that she watches Sprout or Noggin kid shows. I am SURE, absolutely SURE, that she is not watching shows about the apocalypse. The last time I checked Sesame Street did not teach kids about the world exploding. So I don't have any idea where this came from. None. At. All.
So I have come up with two conclusions. One, she was just being weird again and didn't really even know what she was saying. Two, she is some sort of crazy 3-year-old prophet brought to earth to warn us of our demise.

Let's hope she's just weird!


Anonymous said...

I, too hope that she's just weird. I was pretty taken aback when told by my 3 yr old Granddaughter that the world was ending. I love her to pieces, but I think she's a little on the dramatic side. Can't understand where she gets that - haha.

Anonymous said...

LOL. that is some funny stuff!

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