Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just some stuff

We are back to Similac Sensitive formula for Allison. She just didn't seem to tolerate the other formulas well. She would pull off the bottle constantly and then was spitting up 100% more than before. So Mommy made an executive decision and we are back to what we started with. We're going to see how this goes and then decide the next step.
I am working tomorrow....and I'm excited!! I am going to be a sub at the girls Children's Day Out program. Hopefully I can do the sub thing for now and then next fall become a regular teacher in one of the rooms. That is what I'm hoping for anyway. The director and I have talked a little about it. When Natalie heard that I was going to be there tomorrow she said, "My Mom a teacher?" and then burst out laughing. Thanks for the vote of confidence sweetie.
Since I am going to be subbing tomorrow the girls all get to go to CDO twice in one week. This would be exciting on a regular week, but it is even better since it is Valentine's party week. They got to have parties on Monday in their regular classes, they get to have another tomorrow, and then Nat has her class party Friday in Pre-K.
I love yoga. We recently got the My Fitness Coach game for Wii. One of the workouts is yoga and I started with that since I didn't think I should be jumping right into cardio. I want to loose weight and all but I would rather do it without having a heart attack. I lost three pounds in the first week and a half. But then my monthly visitor arrived (if you know what I mean) and I lost all motivation to work out and gained a ridiculous amount of motivation to eat everything in sight. I haven't weighed lately, but my guess is those three pounds are back! I have to get back on my schedule. This is probably the best time of all to do yoga. It feels so good to stretch everything out and just concentrate on breathing.
I guess that's about it for today. Maybe tomorrow I will actually post something that is interesting and makes sense!


Anonymous said...

That's cool that youe get to teach at CDO! Oh I want that Wii fit thing! LOL... Hopefully for my birthday or Christmas...I gotta get the pink cover for the board lol. My house never calms down enough to do something like I feel like if I am not sore and sweaty at the end I didn't do anything. I do Turbo Jam dvds...well I did...there isn't any room in our living room to so it lol..I want to lose like 30-40 pounds lol but I like to eat to fun it "monthly visitor" just left yesterday lol thank god! thats never any fun...oh and I love your Vanessa the Troll...lmao!