Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A really puke-tastic birthday!

I will admit that on more than one of my birthdays, or the day immediately following, I have felt under the weather and pukey. That was not so much the effect of being sick though, it was more the effect of vodka.
But this birthday I was definitely sick. Oh. My. God. We dropped the girls off at my parents on Saturday evening and went out for a really nice dinner. Then Larry surprised me by taking me to Kohl's and letting me pick out a couple new pairs of jeans. He didn't even complain when I had to try on every pair I saw. It was really sweet. We decided to just go home and watch the end of the KU football game and then watch movies. Everything was fine until the room started spinning. I hadn't had enough to drink to make things spin so I kind of knew something was up. Then my tummy started hurting. I decided to go to bed even though I really didn't want to. At midnight I woke up and had to SPRINT to the bathroom and up it all came. All night and all day Sunday (my actual birthday) I was sick. I pretty much just laid on the floor and groaned. It so sucked!!! Larry ended up getting it Sunday night. We are both still trying to get over it. My stomach still hurts and I get nauseated if I move too much. No fun.
Even though my 28th birthday wasn't what I had planned or expected there were still some nice parts. Larry and I got to spend some time just the two of us, mom and dad got me an ice cream cake (I just eat the chocolate crumbly parts...but they are worth every penny), Nat made me a sweet card, Vanessa slept most of the way through Sunday night, and I got my hair cut. My mom took a picture of it but my hair is dark, I am standing in front of a dark tree, and it was getting dark outside. Needless to say, you can't see much of my hair.
I guess as you get older you learn to make the best out of what you are given. You know, lemonade out of lemons and all that. Although if I HAD made lemonade I couldn't have stood to drink it without puking. But, anyway, it was an ok birthday. Definitely not the worst I can remember. I have my family-Larry and my girls and our dogs and lizards. What more could I really ask for?


Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better...

Andie said...

I'm sorry your birthday was so PUKEY! I hope you are all feeling better soon!
Happy belated Birthday!!