Friday, June 13, 2008

Free Entertainment

Every time it rains really hard or for a really long time, our street becomes a lake. It is one of those trouble spots in Wichita that floods horribly. I have gotten used to this over the years. We see the offending storm coming and begin the process of pulling our cars up as far as we can and moving anything that might be swept away.
At first I was annoyed by the flooding. But as I said I have gotten used to it, and even begun to accept it. And, this is going to sound bad, but I have come to view it as free entertainment for my family. You see, every time the street fills with water there are people who think that they can drive through it. The big trucks and SUV's usually have no trouble. They go really fast and the waves lap up into our yard. The smaller cars, however, are not as lucky. Apparently they see the giant Suburban make it and think, "oh yeah, my little Geo Metro won't have any problems with that!" Goobers. There are always at least three or four cars that get stuck and have to either be abandoned until the water goes down, or our personal favorite, someone has to push them out.
It might sound mean that we don't go out to help them, but if we did that for every car that gets stuck every time it rains we would be out there all night. We have decided it is better to just stand at the door and laugh and point. Even the girls get into it. Last night Natalie was standing at the door shouting at us, "There's another one!!!" Talk about quality family time!


Anonymous said...

i bet you all were being entertained yesterday. it rained most of the day and alot. most streets we were on were flooded (we watched for people looking out there doors pointing.) when the girls were little we actually had a boat in the water going down our street. makes for great memories marilyn

Sarah said...

You crack me up. ;)