Monday, June 9, 2008

Playing Catch-up

#1. We're baa-aack! We had a wonderful time and did all kinds of fun, interesting things. Don't worry, I will blog all about it when I have a little more time and a lot more motivation.

#2. Happy Anniversary to Larry and I. As of June 1st we have been married for six years. We spent it on the road to Colorado and then with an evening at Garden of the Gods. All in all a memorable and nice anniversary.

#3. Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad!! I think it has been 39 years (correct me if I'm wrong Mom!). We had them over to get souvenirs, look at pictures, eat a scrumptious pork tenderloin that Larry grilled and just hang out. I hope they had a nice anniversary. Next year we'll throw you a party!!

Well, I'm sure there is more, but I am just lacking for energy today. I slept ok, I am just one tired girl. I'm going to go watch Natalie ride a roller coaster on the WII and hopefully get Vanessa to take a nice, long nap! I will update again soon!


Liz said...

Yay!! You're home! I wont call you, b/c I'm sure you are exhausted, but call me when you get a free minute! love ya!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lon. Yes we had a very good time hanging out with you guys, and you're right - the tenderloin was DELICIOUS!! I'm glad you're back safely and that you had a wonderful time. I Can't wait for you to post the pictures. I also hope you're able to attach a movie, or two. Everyone will love them, and they should ALL see Nat dancing with the Indians. It is so precious.
Love, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun... Can't wait to see pictures =)

Sarah said...

I am glad your back! I can remember dancing with the indians when Lacey and I were little kids. Fun times.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys had such a good time, I hope Ryan, Allen and I can take a vacation sometime. Anyway I just wanted to add one more thing to the list of things #4. Happy Birthday Pam.....I have to say I really didn't mind anyone not remembering my 30th. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it either. Oh and by the way thank God you only heard one heartbeat...not that twins wouldn't be great but damn! Hope you are getting some rest, love you, and miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys had such a good time, I hope Ryan, Allen and I can take a vacation sometime. Anyway I just wanted to add one more thing to the list of things #4. Happy Birthday Pam.....I have to say I really didn't mind anyone not remembering my 30th. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it either. Oh and by the way thank God you only heard one heartbeat...not that twins wouldn't be great but damn! Hope you are getting some rest, love you, and miss you.