Monday, March 3, 2008


My quest for the title of Mother of the Year is almost complete. I would suggest you don't even apply, how could I lose with this resume?!?

It wasn't enough that I am carrying around a baby who looks as if she was one round away from having Tyson bite off her ear. No, that wasn't enough. This afternoon I had to call poison control. Yeah, I've got MOTY in the bag.

It all went down innocently enough. I was giving Vanessa a bottle to get her down for her nap. Natalie was playing dolls in her room. All was serene. When I look back on it I should have known something would happen. It was way to "Norman Rockwell-esque" to be our house. Ness had almost drained her bottle when I saw Natalie go into the bathroom and shut the door. No big deal, right? She was probably just pottying. But she stayed in there longer than normal. Still no big deal. Who hasn't had a trip to the bathroom that lasted longer then someone else thought it should. Still, I wanted to know what was going on in there. I hurried Vanessa through the last ounce, put her into bed and walked into the bathroom. There was my girl, her toothbrush in one hand, my toothpaste in the other, and a shit-eating grin on her face.

"What are you doing Nat?"

"Brushing my teeth." (if she knew to she would have rolled her eyes and said duuuuuh)

"Did you already use Mommy's toothpaste?"

"Yes, I put a lot on my toothbrush."

"A lot?"

"Yes. I ate it. Then some fell in the sink. I ate that, too."

Now, I know that eating toothpaste is not good. Especially kids eating adult toothpaste. I couldn't really tell how much she had eaten. The tube was already half gone when she got a hold of it, but it was obvious she had been squeezing on it. I asked her if she felt alright, and she did, but I knew I should still call poison control. They told me that at her weight she would have had to eat 4 ounces to really hurt her and I knew she hadn't had that much. They told me to give her calcium and that should help, but her tummy might hurt a little. She had cheese and a glass of milk with dinner and a bowl of strawberry ice cream for dessert. She said that her tummy hurt a little, but that could have been because of all the ice cream. She seems fine now and we have had a nice long talk about not eating ANYTHING in the bathroom, ever!!!!!!!!!

In four years I have had to call poison control twice. Both times were probably due more to my overreacting then any real danger, but I am a strong supporter of the better safe then sorry method of parenting. Luckily both kids' injuries and illnesses have been fairly minor (knock on wood....twice). I just want to keep it that way. Even if I don't win any parenting contests.


Anonymous said...

That must have been some good toothpaste!! I have a hard time trying to get Ryan to remember to brush his teeth..

Unknown said...

And you were just saying she doesn't remember to brush her teeth but remembers Seasame Street Live. Hmmmm...Just kidding. You win MOTY for sure!! Kudos on your victory and glad no one got hurt. I love reading blogs. Keep them up!

How was Seasame Street Live? Hope you guys had a good time.

Andie said...

I had to call poison control a few years ago...ok, turns out I didn't HAVE to, but I'm with you, better safe than sorry. We had only moved to our home a few months prior. Abbigail was 4, Andrew was almost three, and Bethany had just been born. I was inside nursing Bethany. Andrew and Abbigail were in the back yard playing. All the windows were open and though I could not see them, I could hear them very well. Soon I realized that they were being WAY too know the dread that enters your heart when you realize your kids are TOO quiet! I ran outside and there were Abbie & Andrew chowing down on the "apples" from the tree. Now I knew they were not real apples, plus they were eating the ones from the ground. Andrew said they were yucky and he only took a bite or two, Abbigail apparently thought they were very yummy, she ate at least 5 or 6 of them!!! I brought them inside, all the time telling them that they are NOT to eat things they find on the ground! Abbie got upset and started throwing up, that's when I started to panic! I called poison control and asked what I should do, but they said the first thing I needed to do was to find out what exactly the tree and fruit was. My neighbor happened to be outside (hubby was gone) and so he helped me out. They were crab apples. Not so yummy to eat, but perfectly harmless. Very acidic, so that's probably why Abbigail threw them up, they upset her little tummy...but no danger. What a relief! I felt horrible for letting them be outside alone, though I send them out there all the time now! I also felt very stupid for panicing over crab apples. One of these days I'm going to harvest those little beasts and make some yummy crab apple jelly!

I'll give you the MOTY award! You are a great mom!


PS...give Grandma and Grandpa a hug from me if you see them this week.