Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It was a success!!!

I am so proud of my big girl. She did great at school! Turns out I really didn't have anything to worry about. She played nice, ate her lunch pretty well, went potty twice, and had fun. The only thing her teacher said she needed to work on was staying put where she was supposed to be. She would sit when told, but staying there proved to be a bit more difficult. She would wander off to play and have to be reminded to come participate. This is her first time in a situation like this. So far she has been with me, her dad, or her grandparents. That's it. We didn't have organized circle time or even organized lunch! So this is something she just needs to get used to. I'm sure as the school year goes on she will realize that being a part of the group is not only a rule, but also fun! My cousin (who works downstairs in the baby room, but went up to check on her) told me the class made hand prints, but Natalie was off playing. I still don't know if Natalie made any or not. My cousin said that the teacher might have hung them on the wall so just because she didn't bring one home doesn't mean she didn't do one. I asked Natalie and couldn't get any solid info! First it was "no, I didn't want to do that", then it was "I didn't bring it home", then the story changed all together!! I have a feeling getting the scoop about school is going to be hard with Nat.
So, anyway, she had a good day. I was too antsy to really enjoy my time. School falls at Vanessa's nap time, so I can see that I will have some alone time....and I am excited about that! But yesterday I really just wanted to pick her up and find out how she did. I laid Vanessa down and tried to watch tv, but I just kept wanting to leave. I finally decided to go eat some lunch in the parking lot and wait! My mom even called and kept me on the phone for a while to stall me, she knew sitting in the car forever would just make me more anxious. But, as I said, I am looking forward to those times when I don't feel like I have to worry about her every minute and can spend some time doing what I want to do.
OH!!!! I almost forgot!!! The car search is officially over. We bought a car on Sunday and finalized everything yesterday. How fun! I really like the car, it has everything that I wanted and a little more. Natalie likes it because it has a "window on the roof"! It is so nice to drive an automatic again, except I am constantly trying to push the clutch or shift. I think it is going to be a good family car (knock on wood) and I am going to enjoy it very much....it's pretty!!!! I completely forgot to put what kind of car we got (thanks Andie)! It is a silver Hyundai Elantra. I just got home and I have to tell you....I LOVE driving it!!

Have a good day everyone!


Andie said...

I'm so glad she did well! Having fun is important, and she'll get the hang of doing certain things at certain times...like you said, she just needs to get used to it.
I remember the first time I took Abbie to a "cheer camp" that they have here in town. The HS cheer leaders run this camp for one week, 1 1/2 hours after school. I didn't want to leave her! There were SOOO many little girls, I didn't think they could keep track of all of them. What if my baby wandered off? But she was fine. Also, swim lessons were hard for me. I didn't know anyone at the pool, and I was supposed to just drop her off and let her go in the big pool with a bunch of strangers? I don't think so! I stayed to watch, I was the only mom who stayed, and I had Andrew (2 1/2 years old & newborn Bethany) with me, but I wasn't about to just leave her 'alone'...now I know she'll be fine but it took some practice on my part to trust other people with her! :-)
So...what kind of car did you get?? I'm so curious! :-)

Blessings to you! Andie