Saturday, September 15, 2007

Finally, some quiet time

It has been so long since I had a minute to sit and write. We have been busy, busy, busy. It has been a very fun week though. We have had a great time and the girls have been very good (for the most part). We spent 7 hours having a great time at the fair. The only thing that we missed doing was watching the pig races. We kept forgetting about them and when we finally got over there they were over for the day. Bummer for Natalie and me! We also had Natalie's first dance class. It was SO cute. The little girls shuffled and walked like butterflies and began learning left and right. Nat had a great time and did really well. She gets distracted sometimes, but come on, she's three!
Other than being so busy our lives are pretty normal. Which is good. I am glad it's the weekend. I really enjoy it when Larry is here to spend the days with us. He helps me a lot with the girls which is a welcome relief, but we also just have a lot of fun. He is a great daddy and is very hands on and involved. I really couldn't have picked a more perfect person to have kiddos with. I know people that don't feel like that..and you better believe I appreciate the kind of father he is. My kids are my life, and feels the same way.
Well, I knew alone time couldn't last forever. Natalie just got up and is meowing to get my attention, so I think I will go play kitty cat for a while. What a great way to spend a Saturday morning!