Wednesday, September 26, 2007

George W. Bush makes me sick

I read a blog of a woman who is going back to grad school to become a social worker. She is working with cancer patients in a very prominant hospital and recieved this email...

Dear Colleagues,

Last week I sent information about the S-CHIP program which is due to expire on Sept 30th, the end of the federal fiscal year. Today, the House and Senate have worked out a compromise which is scheduled to be voted on this week. Once there is a consensus bill passed in the Congress, it will go to the president for his signature. President Bush continues to say that he will veto this bi- partisan, compromise bill in the name of fiscal restraint. The funding to expand the S-CHIP program by $35 billion over five years would come from 61-cent-per-pack increase in the tobacco tax. The expanded bill will cover an additional 4 million children (from 6.6 million currently covered to 10 million).
I am sending a link to the Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report for your review. If the bill is vetoed or expires on Sept 30th, millions of children will become uninsured and the patients you work with who are currently covered under your states S-CHIP program will be uninsurable if they do not qualify for Medicaid and their parents do not currently have private insurance.
It just makes me so mad. We can spend endless amounts of money on a war that is a joke at best, but we can't spend anything to keep sick kids insured. How sad is that? Bush made a stupid decision to attack a country for something that they did not do (I'm not saying Hussein wasn't a bad guy, he is just not THE bad guy we should have gone after at that point). Now we are putting so many resources, so much money, and most importantly, so many of our soldiers into Iraq that we don't have enough of those things here when we need them.
We are one of the American families that have struggled with the insurance question. Working at a small, family run business, we don't have access to good, cheap insurance. Larry and I aren't even insured. All we can do is hope and pray we don't get sick (knock on wood). I am so scared Bush is going to screw us all out of any insurance before he leaves office. I am counting the days until the next election. I can't wait to get this man OUT OF OFFICE.
Please do not think I am "unAmerican" or not patriotic. I love my country and what we stand for. And that is exactly why I am so against Bush. He is ruining so many things that it will be so hard for whomever takes his place to correct them. I am worried about the economy, foreign relations, education, the environment, health insurance, taxes, people's right to privacy, etc.... I basically feel very let down by this administration. I CANNOT believe they were elected twice. We need someone who is more interested in the good of the whole country instead of just a small portion of it. I don't know who that will be yet, I am still doing my homework on that. In general I distrust politians, but Bush tops 'em all.
(sorry for the political rant. I just had to get it out.)


SOM 1966 Indians manager said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I am a disabled Vietnam vet and I support ours troops of course, but I cannot support this 'war'! Bush can call us unpatriotic, but what about him getting out of serving his country in Vietnam? The damn chicken shit bastard!! I would love to smack that smirk right off his face!! The guy has no idea of what's going on in his own back yard! Nero fiddled while Rome burned, and Bush is dancing and laughing while America 'burns'. Like comic Richard Belzer said while Reagan was president: "I'm a millionaire, F-YOU!!! Nice philosophy!!!