Thursday, April 10, 2008

Being pregnant is just no fun.

I really wish I could enjoy this pregnancy. It will be my last and I am sad that I am hating it so much. Don't get me wrong, I love the end results, but I have hated all three pregnancies. I had hoped this one might be different than the previous ones, but I am now puking every. single. day. It sucks.
Here is some other random info for you:

*Vanessa is talking a lot now. Most of it is still unintelligible, but she has some words that come out clear as day. She says "hi", "bye", "dada", "mama", "doggy" and "birdie". There are other words that she has said only once so I don't count them until I hear them again.

*My bestest friend Liz is about ready to pop out a baby. I don't think it is going to be soon enough for her, but it is not going to be long. I can't wait to meet Jack. If he is anything like his big sister he will be nothing but a cute little bundle of joy. I love you Liz!!!

*I am going to have another niece or nephew at about the same time I have my baby. My brother-in-law's girlfriend is due somewhere around the end of November also. I just love that my kids are going to have so many cousins so close in age. It is going to be so much fun to watch them all grow up together.

OK, I think that's about it for now. Vanessa is standing in front of my with a blanket over her head trying to play peek-a-boo. It is not really any fun to play that by yourself so I guess I will go join in!
