Friday, April 18, 2008

The High Price of Gas

Warning: this post rated "TMI" for too much info!

Are any of you fans of "Sex and the City"? I am! I love that show. I love the fact that 99.9% of the things that happen to those girls will never happen to me. I live vicariously through Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda. Recently though, I have found something that Miranda and I do have in common.
If you did watch that show you know that Miranda became pregnant one season. I remember one show vividly. They are out shopping and eating and being out and Miranda cannot stop farting. It was hilarious. Yeah, not so funny anymore.
I don't remember being this gassy with my first two pregnancies. I am just full of gas! It would be great if I could charge $3.20 like Quik Trip. I could be rich! During the day I am ok. I have moments where my tummy cramps up and there are times I have to "let it go", but I haven't had a big public embarrassing moment or anything like that. And then there is the end of the day. All I can say is, poor Larry. Right before bed I bloat up and look like I am about 5 months along instead of 2. I hurt and I moan and I have even shed a tear or two. And all I want to do is get it out. Gross, huh? So gross that it all leads me to believe this one is a boy. Boys are gross right from the start!
So there you go. More than you wanted to know I'm sure, but I feel better getting it off my chest..or my tummy as the case may be.


Sarah said...

I am laughing my ass off. Too funny. I hope you can make it to the Sex in the City Movie May 30th!

Andie said...

oh Loni...thanks for the giggle. Hopefully, this, too, shall PASS!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

you know, I completely forgot about that! i went through the same thing. maybe you are having a little boy....

Anonymous said...

I went through the same when I was preggo with Ryan... lol.. Good thing it's getting warm out... you can open all the windows hahaha...