Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The kind of weekend you wish would never end!

What a wonderful weekend! It was so pretty and we had so much fun!! Our big outing was to the Shriner circus. I will admit that I wasn't very excited about it this year. Last time we went it was a little less than spectacular....like way less. So I didn't have giant expectations. But I was pleasantly surprised and delighted when this circus was actually pretty good. There were trapeze artists, acrobats, older ladies who did magic and dressed up poodles (ok, this doesn't sound that great, but it wasn't as bad as it sounds), elephants, tigers, and clowns. We had a great time except for Vanessa who really could have cared less about the whole thing and just wanted to go home and sleep. I even let Natalie ride the elephant at intermission which I am really kind of against. It just doesn't seem right to me. But anyway, she did it and had fun. I was worried about her going without Larry or I, but she was such a big girl and actually wanted to go by herself.
We also played outside SO much this weekend. The weather was so beautiful that we were outside more than we were inside. Vanessa got an outdoor Little Tykes playhouse for her birthday and rather than struggling with putting it up next Saturday before her party we just decided to put it up on Saturday. We have only had it for a few days and I already think it was worth every penny we spent on it. The girls just love it. Natalie pretends like crazy in it. One side is a school, one side is a bank/market, one side is a gas station, and the last side is a sports wall. She had Larry and I ordering food, using the ATM, getting gas, and learning our ABC's...all in one place!! Vanessa just likes being in it at this point. Oh, and opening and closing the door, she LOVES to just stand there and open and close, open and close. So cute! Sunday was spent cleaning house and playing outside again. Nothing too exciting, but still good family fun! All in all, it was just one of those weekends that make you smile!
Here are a few sample pics!


Sarah said...

I can remember riding the elephant when I was little. How fun!

Andie said...

I LOVE the pic of Natalie and her daddy walking to the car. That one is SO PERFECT! LOVE IT! I'm glad you had a good weekend. Good family fun...so great!
We had one of those houses at the preschool I taught at in St. Louis, and the kids loved it. I never have gotten one for my kids, should have. I know your girls will enjoy it for years to come!
Hope your week is as great as your weekend.

Sarah said...

We will have to get together soon! The weather is great for back yard playing!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, ya'lls have a lot of fun play things in your backyard! All we have right now is some jungle gym thing that Lois got us at a yard sale...lol after Ryan & I get back from Vegas I am going to start collecting backyard toys...time to hit the yard sales!!!