Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have been feeling so blah lately. I can't get motivated to do anything! I just sit there and feel like I'm going to puke. The only energy I do have goes to my kids and there is just nothing left over. This pregnancy is kicking my ass, just like the last two. I am certainly not one of those women that loves being pregnant. I don't glow. I just look a little green. I am always starving and then I get the actual food and can't even imagine putting any of it in my mouth. I am mentally and physically out of it. It really sucks. I feel sorry for my kids because I know they are not getting my best. I take care of them, but I haven't been playing a lot. Natalie begs me to get down on the floor and play dolls and all I can do is just sit on the couch and quietly moan. I really hope I start feeling better soon. I just want to feel like myself again.
Ok, enough of the "poor-me" poorly written post. I am going to go snuggle up and watch "Arthur" with Natalie. Watching tv is one thing I can do.


Andie said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. During my last pregnancy, I practically lived on ginger ale for the first few months. I always had a glass near and just sipped all the time. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love ya-

Anonymous said...

Good thing it's getting warmer soon...Because I have one word for ya...SNOWCONES!!! They were a life saver!!! But, I hope all this allday sickness passes for you quickly!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a cure for you, Honey, but maybe you feel like this 'cuz when I was pregnant with you, I craved 'raw potatoes'!! Sorry. Anyway, I made you some brownies. Hope that thought doesn't send you running. Love you!!! Mom

Sarah said...

Feel better soon. I can't even imagine how hard it is with two girls always tugging and feeling sick. ;(

Hang in there.