Friday, July 11, 2008

Fast Food Connoisseur

Natalie: Hey Mom! Did you get these chicken nuggets from Wendy's?
Me: No.
Natalie: Well, they aren't from Ronald McDonald's. And their not little crowns like from Burger King.
Me: Nope.
Natalie: Where did you get them?
Me: The freezer.
....pause while she inspects the nuggets....
Natalie:Are you SURE they aren't from Wendy's? They sure look like they are from Wendy's.


Sarah said...


Andie said...

I bought some "Great-Value" ones a few weeks ago, and my kids won't even eat them...too spicy. Guess it's back to Wendy's for me! :o)


Hey, quick question...are you going to my parent's 40th anniversary party? I will be there and I'd love to see you and give you a hug in person!