Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The baby:

Things Allison likes:
-her Mama
-her Mama's boobs
-laying in the crib looking at the miniblinds (but only for a couple of minutes)
-laying in her boppy (but only for a couple of minutes)

Things Allison does not like:
-not being held by her Mama
-Mama sitting down in one place when holding her (there must always be some movement. ALWAYS.)
-having a dirty diaper
-having that dirty diaper changed
-her bassinet
-her swing
-not having immediate attention
-Mama trying to feed her a bottle instead of offering up the boob
-Natalie singing Christmas songs at top volume directly into her face
-Vanessa trying to "hug" her
-sleeping anywhere but in Mama's arms at night
-bath time
-being cold
-having her umbilical cord stump cleaned (it STILL has not fallen off)
-Mama not knowing exactly what she wants when she wants it (and not a second later)


Liz said...

Allison give your mama a break!

Sarah said...

Yeah Allison! ;) These will be neat to look back on. I know you can't see it now, but trust me. ha ha