Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's All Relative

Recently I was talking to a girlfriend I hadn't talked to in a while. She innocently asked how I had been feeling.

Me: Actually, I've been feeling pretty good lately.
Her: You're not throwing up anymore?
Me: Well...yeah, I still throw up. But it is usually only once a day.
Her: And the other days?
Me: Two, three, maybe four times at the most.
Her: I didn't throw up four times throughout my whole pregnancy.
Me: You are SO lucky!
Her: Yeah, but I had some hellacious heartburn for a while.
Me: I have been having some heartburn too, but not too bad.
Her: I had it like four or five times a week.
Me: I have some every night but as long as I take a couple tums and then lay perfectly still for a while it's not too bad.
Her: Every night?
Me: Yes. But like I said, it's not that bad. What is bothering me right now is the sciatica.
Her: The what?
Me: You know. When all that baby weight sits on your nerve and you have those sharp pains that shoot down from your hips to your toes. Especially when you are carrying an 18-month-old around.
Her: I never had those.
Me: Oh. Well, they suck.
Her: Sounds like it.
Me: *Sneeze, cough, cough, cough* Sorry, we are all trying to get over never ending colds here in our house.
Her: Wow. Loni, your idea of feeling pretty good is incredibly warped.
Me: Yeah, I was kind of getting that impression too.


Liz said...

You poor thing! I didhave horrible Sciatica with Jackson though. In fact, it still flares up now and then. It is the most horrible feeling that you can do nothign about. There were nights I ended up sleeping on the couch just because I couldn't get up to go to bed. Just think...not much longer! love ya!

Anonymous said...

ONE more month to go!!! YAY!! I hope the weather warms up some before she gets here!

Andie said...

You poor thing! But hey, I'm glad you are feeling good about it all...hope you are all FEELING GREAT soon!
Have you thought about the sling yet? I sent you an email...just let me know.

Sarah said...

I hate to say it but his post made me laugh, cause your idea of feeling pretty good has changed hasn't it??? ;) Not too long now and baby 3 will be in your arms and not sucking all your life out of you. ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the girls get over this cold/flu/crap stuff we've all had. That would really make your life a lot easier. Hopefully, neither you nor Natalie will get too cold and wet at the pumpkin patch today. However, looking outside, I don't see how that will be possible. I sure hope they decide to postpone it awhile. Good luck, Sweetie. Love, Mom.

Rebecca said...

Ha! It's amazing what you can put up with when you're pregnant! Feel better!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you keep such a positive attitude! Most people would be "Oh woe is me!"

I hope you DO feel better!