Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things I Don't Want to Forget

I don't want to forget the times that all Natalie wants to do is lay with me and "snuggle bug" until we absolutely have to get up and get on with the day.

I don't want to forget Vanessa's desperate need to be in the bathroom whenever anyone goes so she can wave goodbye when the toilet is flushed.

I don't want to forget how Natalie called her little sister Sniffer for months until it suddenly changed over to Squeaker.

I also don't want to forget how Natalie uses Vanessa's nicknames in songs (ie: Twinkle Twinkle Little Squeak).

I don't want to forget the few times that Natalie has gotten in the van after Pre-K and been so excited to tell me something that had happened during the day. I love the excited look on her face as she goes through the events she had so much fun with.

I don't want to forget that yesterday when I picked Natalie up her teacher's aide Miss Shannon said, "This kid just cracks me up! She makes my day!" and how proud I felt and how happy I was that there was someone else that understands my baby's quirks (and appreciates them).

I don't want to forget how hard bedtime is in this house, because there will come a time when they are past Mama putting them to bed and then I will most likely be very sad.

I don't want to forget the way Vanessa hugs us. She full on sprints to us and wraps her tiny arms around our legs. Heaven...pure heaven.

I don't want to forget how we all wave at Daddy as he drives off for work and he waves back and "hornks" his horn for us.

I don't want to forget the way we also have to be at the door waiting for him when he pulls in at the end of the day.

I don't want to forget the note Natalie wrote to us and then read aloud last night. It was full of the reasons why she loved us and how much fun we have together. It was SO sweet.

I don't want to forget the way my girls look first thing in the morning with heavy eyelids, messy hair, and those "happy-to-see-me" grins.

I don't want to forget what it was like to be a first time mommy, and then a second time mommy, and the time getting ready to be a third time mommy. It has been so different every time.

I don't want to forget the bond my girls have at this point. The way they want to protect each other all the time (especially when the other is getting into trouble). They fight and then they turn around and hug each other until they fall over.

I don't want to forget anything.


Jaime said...

Aawww... That's absolutely beautiful! I wish there was a way to bottle up all of those little things too! It's a cliché, but those things truly make life worth living! Thanks for the uplifting post!

Liz said...

i'm so glad you wrote this today! I really needed it to remind me that i'll miss this when they're older. Makenna is driving me absolutely insane this week. But I don't want to forget anything about this stage. Even though they both decided 3am was a wonderful time to get up this morning...

Sarah said...

Time goes by so fast. I am glad you are taking a moment to let us see your sweet moments.

Cherish them

Andie said...

This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read. This is one of those things you want to print out and post on your fridge for when times are can take a minute and read one or two to help brighten your spirits. Good for you taking the time to write them all down so that you WON'T forget...because if you don't write them down you WILL forget. There are so many things I thought i would NEVER forget, and I know I have and that makes me so sad.
Hope you are feeling much better. Love ya-

Rebecca said...

Great post...