Friday, January 23, 2009

Common sense....or something like it.

Here's the thing. After you have one child it is very easy to get caught up in the business of wanting another one. The precious wittle bay-bee that once was is now a big shrieky, tantrumy, whiny mess and you are consumed with an insatiable craving for a new little adorable ball of pudge. You miss cuddling an infant against your chest. The goos and coos and gurgles that only a newborn can generate. Even the semi-odorless poops that a new baby produces at an alarming rate seem like little diapers from heaven compared to what comes out of a toddler on a daily basis. It is very easy to find yourself "accidentally" forgetting to take your pill for a couple of days in a row.

If you find yourself in this mental land of baby-want right now feel very lucky you are reading my blog. I am here to save you with this little nugget of wisdom. That diminutive little person that you long for will also grow into a child. One that screams at you. One that doesn't listen when you tell it for the ten millionth time to quit playing in the damn dog water. One that tells you with great certainty that you are the most horrible parent in the entire world and that they would be much better off going to live with (insert name of beloved aunt, cherished teacher, or random stranger that just looks nicer than you could ever be). Yep, they don't stay little forever.

It is also very possible if you have two that when the second child turns to the dark side it will be approximately at the same time that you are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel with the first one. When the elder child is leaving that stage they call the "terrible twos" (this happens sometime between the ages of four and never) all of a sudden you have to go through it all over again. And yes, I am speaking from experience. Vanessa is beginning to show some strong indications that she has indeed made a pact with the devil and has given up her sweetness and ability to mind for something far more important and enticing, such as a powdered donut.

I don't mean to scare any of you with a young second child or one on the way. I myself have three offspring. (I believe, however, that this is a strong indication of the high amount of crazy in my system.) The trials and tribulations that come with having more than one child is, of course, counteracted and overcome by the additional quantities of hugs, kisses, and "I love you's" that you gain. In the end, I don't regret having three babies. Sometimes I may wish it were legal to sell them on E-Bay, but I never regret them. They are the loves of my life, three separate pieces of my heart existing outside of my body. I realize they are not going to be these ages forever and I try very hard to appreciate each and every stage they go through. I just thought I should pass on these lessons of parenthood that I am learning everyday with you. Your welcome!


Andie said...

When do they leave that "terrible-two" stage??? I thought Bethany was out of it, but now she has discovered the "terrible-four" stage, which I previously was unaware of. I know Andrew threw temper-tantrums, but I don't remember them being thiis numerous, or this often. Oh, Man...if only the Ebay option were open...
I love her, really I do...but right now...not likin' her so much. I told her tonight when I was putting her to bed and she was screaming at me that she wanted MY blanket (when she already has 5 or 6 on her bed!) that if she is going to act like a 2 year old, she will only get to do the things a 2 yo gets to do! Those dance classes and birthday parties she is supposed to go to tomorrow are for 4 year olds, not 2 year olds. If she act like a 2 yo, she will be taking a nap like a 2 yo... Oh man, that girl!!! ;o)
Glad I'm not the only one having a rough time with kids...but I am sorry you are having a rough time.

Andie said...

Oh, and what's up with your twitter feed? Time to go to work?? When did you get a job (outside the home..I know you work your BUTT off at home! Every mom does!!)?

Just curious.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the warning. Like you I am crazy and still want more. LOL.

Liz said...

As long as you're on the other end of the phone when I call to tell you how horrible my heathens are I'm good! I love you and all the pieces of your heart!