Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am a terrible American

I am feeling quite hypocritical today.
Here I am, watching the Live Earth concert and thinking of all the things I could be doing but don't. I am a big fan of Al Gore. I don't care if he is a bit robotic or dull. I don't care if people make fun of him for saying he "invented the Internet". I love the man. I think he is doing a great thing for not only our country, but also the world. He is trying to save us all. Maybe he doesn't follow every rule or do everything just perfect, but he is doing more than most of us. I wish he would run for president again because he would have my vote. In my humble opinion, global warming is a much bigger problem than gay marriage or abortion or any other "political topic" that is really just a private decision. The climate and it's well being affects all of us. If there is no earth, there is no us. We are ruining it little by little. We could at least slow this down. At the rate we are going it is almost like we want to destroy it as fast as possible.
Again, I feel this way, but am I really doing anything. Granted I don't drive some big Hummer and I never would. I drive a fuel efficient Honda and would drive a hybrid if I could afford one. I don't use aerosol sprays. I don't litter, and Natalie and I have been known to pick some up if we come across it. But I don't recycle. It would be so easy to just throw the trash in bins to recycle and I have said I was going to time and time again. Yet here I am, throwing my pop cans in with my plastic milk jugs and my paper cups. If today were New Years I would say that I am making a resolution, but it is 7-7-07, so I will just say I'm going to make a change. I am going to do just that one little thing to help Mother Nature out. She is the boss mama after all. The Indians had it right to worship the land we live on, the sun that sustains us, the water and animals that nourish us, the earth in general. Is there really anything more important?
So, after that rant to myself I will say that I am actually sorry this week is almost over. I figured by today Larry and I would be so sick of each other we would be glad for Monday to come. Not so much. We have had a really nice, but busy, week with only a couple arguments here and there. We have painted two rooms and are much closer to painting the rest then we were before. We had fun with Natalie and Vanessa. It was a really nice week. Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to getting our schedule back on track. It is nice to know, though, that my hubby and I can spend a whole week together doing something as stressful as home redecoration and come out of it without hating each other.
Well, Vanessa is in one of her talkative, "pay attention to me" moods so I had better go talk to her. I love her smiles and laughs, she is a joy, just like her big "sniffer" (sister to those of you not in the know!).
Recycle, use less gas, don't litter....let's all try to keep this crazy world going!!


Anonymous said...

I think Al Gore can probably get more attention not being President right now. He tries hard to get in touch with the masses which in this day and age I don't think a president could safely do. I also believe as soon as someone becomes President they are no longer viewed as positive- it's the whole bringing the big man down attitude. Unfortunately (sp?) I think the President is severly limited for lots of reasons in what he/she is willing and able to do. Public office is ugly.
I do think he has raised awareness even among those who laugh about the internet thing- even if they don't agree with him, they are least thinking about it now.