Monday, July 16, 2007

Oh, the joys of motherhood....

and there are many.
Last night, however, held very few of these said joys. What a long, long, long night. Usually Vanessa only wakes up twice. Last night she woke up at 12:00, 2:30, 4:00, 6:00, and at 7:30 she was ready to get up. Not only was Vanessa up, Natalie woke up a couple times which is very unusual. She just wanted me to come in and reassure her and tuck her in again, but I had to get up and wake up each time. Then Fritz, our dog, started puking. I couldn't even tell you what time that was!
So, the moral of this story is that this is one very sleepy mommy today. I have made a very good effort to contain my grumpiness, but it is hard. Natalie is being every bit of her three years today. Forget the terrible twos, the threes are so much worse because she can do so much more. Vanessa is being her usual self, meaning she wants to be held and talked to and FED constantly. So, if this post doesn't make sense it is because my brain is not working at full capacity.