Friday, August 29, 2008

History in the making!!

Come November Americans WILL make history. We will vote either an African American man or a woman into office. How cool is that?!?!?
McCain just announced that his running mate is Alaska governor Sarah Palin. I was pleasantly surprised. I kind of thought he would go "safe" with his ticket. I am glad that he went against the grain and picked an unknown, young woman to make his run to office.
Although most of you probably know I am a democrat and was (and still am) a Clinton supporter who likes Obama very much and will most definitely vote for him, I find some solace that if the Democratic ticket looses come November we will have the first ever woman in office.
Times they are a changin'. And I for one am a happy American to be a part of it all. I urge you ALL to vote (even if you disagree with me!) and make your own mark in this historic election. Believe me, the generations to come will look upon this election as a turning point in our countries history. And we will be able to say, "I was part of that!"


Sarah said...

It is pretty cool we are live through history. ;)

Liz said...

I loved Obama's speech last night. In fact, Charlie liked it too, and he asked me how he registers to vote...yes, my 30 year old husband has NEVER voted. I've been telling him about Obama all along and I made him watch the speech last night and he said he was glad I did. I really hope he wins in November. I think our country is in desperate need of him.

Cheryl Lage said...

It IS such a history making time, isn't it?!? I'm thrilled for us as a country...we will have great change ahead, regardless of which candidate wins.


(I've added you to my roll of reads that updates when you do! :) )

tiarastantrums said...

just think - our children will be studing this in History some day!!

gina said...

I was a huge Hillary supporter from the start and am having a hard time falling in love with Barack now. I think McCain was sly with his pick- how many women who wanted Hillary - can't fall in line with Barack will vote for him, thinking a woman in VP will be ok and open the door for Hillary in four years. Probably a good many. Unfortunately. Because she will lead as a republican. But that was pretty sly of the ol' man.

Anonymous said...

I will too be a first time voter...And, I don't have a clue which to vote for...Hopefully whoever gets elected actually does their job! And, we don't have another Bush.