Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sweet, sweet relief

For the past four or five days I have felt SO bad. I have been pukey and tired and, as I'm sure my family will tell you, cranky. I had absolutely no energy to do anything. I didn't clean or cook. I hardly could haul myself off the couch. I'm telling you, 100 plus temps and pregnancy just don't mix well.
So when I woke this morning to a crack of thunder I was giddy with excitement. I just wanted it to rain and cool down. And now, here it is, one in the afternoon...and it's 80 degrees!! That is a full twenty degrees less than it had been at this time for the past week. It feels great! Natalie played outside this morning (and only came in because the mosquitoes wouldn't leave her precious baby skin alone). She even had her lunch picnic style on the back deck.
I feel 100% better already. I have done dishes, picked up piles of toys, played baby dolls with my baby girls, made lunch for all of us, and been in a good mood. I am sure my daughters and husband are just as happy with the weather change as I am. But they might even be happier that I am not a lazy heap of angry mama anymore.
I know that this "cool" weather can't and won't last forever...but for now this woman is enjoying the heck out of it!


Unknown said...

I just looked at the weather here and instantly thought of you and how miserable its been there. Its 65 degrees here with a breeze, but it wont last long either! Hope you were able to get some relief today!

Thanks for the comment on the ad. The radio show is a weekly staple for those who live in the area. They bring food and of course beer to listen to it. I don't quite understand all the hoopla about it but oh well!! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Its suppose to be rainy for like the next, more cool weather. Yay! Glad you're feeling better.