Thursday, August 14, 2008

You know you wish you were married to me...

I have a wonderful husband. Here is our "conversation" after Vanessa finally passed out in my arms around 11:30 last night.

Me: (voice starting to shake a little) I just don't know what I'm doing....
Me: (voice now gives way to sobs) WRRRROOOONNNGGGGG!!!!!!! *sob, sob, gasp, sob, choke, sob*
Larry: (opens mouth to try to answer)
Me: Why can't I *sob, sob* get her to go to sleep? *sob, gasp*
Larry: (still trying to answer)
Me: She was tired! *sob, gasp, cough*
Larry: (nods)
Me: What are we going to do? *sob*
Me: What are we going to doooooo? *sob, gasp, sob, cough, sob*
Larry: (at this point he might have actually gotten to say something, but I didn't hear it because I had my face buried in a pillow)
Me: I'm going to bed.

So, yeah, bedtime didn't go great again. I was a lot more relaxed through the whole process though, and only really broke down after Vanessa was asleep. I just don't know what to do. She goes to sleep completely, but as soon as her back hits the mattress she wakes up screaming. We even tried letting her cry it out. I am not totally against this tactic...we used a form of it for Natalie when she was little. But I can't let them cry for long. I just can't. So I went to check on Vanessa after maybe ten minutes last night and she was sitting on the railing of her crib. Up till this point she hasn't tried to climb out. I am so lucky I went in when I did because it looked like she was going to jump forward, but luckily she looked over at me and fell backwards into the crib. She began howling!!! And that was the end of that. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened had she gone forward. We are going to check tonight when Larry gets home to see if the mattress can be lowered anymore.
I'm not going to worry about it tonight. I am going to put Natalie down at her bedtime and then just let Vanessa go until she can't go anymore. My Mom is supposed to be watching the girls Friday night, but I don't want her to have to stay up all night because Vanessa won't sleep. She says it's ok, and that it is only one night and she can handle it. I just feel bad. But a break sure would be super!
Enough of my boo-hooing for today. I wish I could write something happy and cheery and upbeat, but I'm just not in the mood. Maybe later...or tomorrow...or when the girls are all 18 and are moved out.


Unknown said...

Does she wake up once you put her down? Kenley use to do that and we broke her using a shirt of mine and a pillow. Before she fell asleep, I would put a pillow under her so she was resting on it instead of my arms. That made it easier to transition her to the mattress because the pillow felt like the mattress and she didn't notice that she was no longer in my arms. We would also put a shirt or a clothing item of mine next to her in the bed so she could still have the smell of me without me being there. It took a week or so and evenutally she was doing great. We also noticed that she liked to sleep with things next to her to make her feel secure I guess. So we would roll up old blankets and put them on either side of her so she could feel that something was still there and she wasn't alone in her bed. Hope this helps. This will pass I promise. Been there done that! You might already being doing these things so just ignore my ramblings if so!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow... I can't believe Vanessa is trying to get out her crib already...Doesn't seem like she's big enough to do that. Thankfully Hailey has not tried yet. But, she attemptes to scale our gates. I'm sure it won't be long. Not sure what to tell ya about the crib situation if the mattress doesn't go down anymore...aside from possibly letting her sleep in a pack n/ play since they are lower to the ground...But, in case the little dare devil attempts a stunt like that again maybe you could put an air mattress, pillows, or something soft in front of her crib. Ryan was climbing out of his crib at like 10 months old... We kept him in the crib for another month or two by buying a crib net (suppose to keep cats out) but then he figured out how to get the net off...but it worked for a bit..Hope you figure out something....sorry I couldn't be more help! Just remember you'll be can handle being a mom of 3!

Sarah said...

I am not in your situation, so I don't know exactly how you feel, but I am a stressed out mamma so I can relate a little. Loni, your a great mom and our kids are just growing and changing just like us. We have bad do they. Hang in there and I PROMISE it will pass and the sun will shine again. Just push through the muck and you will come out on top.


Liz said...

Poor mama! Hang in there! Makenna used to do the same thing. I like what Tara advised. I actually brought out the swaddler again and wrapped her as tight as I could b/c it made the transition to the crib easier. These little 'phases' they go through sure are not fun. We also had to give in and do the CIO and not rock her to sleep before bed b/c it just created too many problems with actually putting her to bed. IT took about 3 days for her to realize that she would now have to put herself to sleep and ever since then...except for the occasional night, she has been a great sleeper.
good luck. i can't wait to be able to talk to you!

Andie said...

I remember Andrew and Bethany going throught the "I don't want my crib" stage. I remember sitting on the floor by their crib with my arm through the rungs, rubbing their back, holding their hands, etc. until they were FINALLY asleep. Yes, I had to do this with both of them, and it was MORE than one night that I had to do this....sometimes a few times a night. One time I remember waking up with my face pressed against the rungs and my arm completely asleep but still holding a little hand inside the crib. Yes, they cried because I wouldn't pick them up. Yes it was VERY tough, but eventually I didn't have to rub their back, just sit there...and soon I didn't even have to sit there anymore. This worked for me...but you can ignore it completely if you want. Bethany is now 4 and still doesn't usually sleep through the night in her own bed. She crawls up in my bed, I take her back to her room and, yup, I have to sit by her bed and rub her back for a minute or two. But, right now, I'm having a little bout of insomnia, so I'm awake anyway. I'm going to buy some sleeping pills today! I haven't slept more than 4-5 hours in a few weeks...I'm EXHAUSTED!
Here's to a better night's rest, for ALL of us!

Blessings dear cousin-

Oh, and btw, I think I have one of those crib net/tents that I never used...I'd be happy to send it your way when my parents come to visit over Labor day! If you'd like it, shoot me an email and I'll see if I can find it...our JOB today is to clean up our basement (AKA, the BLACK HOLE).

Unknown said...

yeah, we could never be married to each other--that could be me saying all that!

Hope it gets better!