Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What I did on my first day of Pre-K

by Natalie, age 4 1/2


*Well, we did line up to go outside.

*And they passed the juice around and I got to pour my own. Teacher said not to pour too much because it would leak and mine leaked but only on my napkin.

*We sang a song where we put our arms up in the air like this...

*And we read a story with a blue cat and a purple horse.

*And I asked the teacher if I could paint and she said yes and I wore an apron and painted a beautiful picture like in a museum, but I didn't bring it home.

*A girl wanted to swing outside but there were too many people but then she did swing and I wanted to push her so I did and the teacher kept saying, "get away from the swings".

*I don't remember what we had for snack. Maybe teddy grahams, but they were bunnies. But I don't remember.

*And I played with play-dough. That was my favorite...and painting was my favorite too.

"Did you have fun?"

Yeah, it was a little fun.

"Are you excited to go back?"

Do I get to go back right now?!?!?


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, i'm cracking up. you have yourself one funny little girl. i'm so glad she had a good day. just thinking about my baby going to preschool makes me want to cry.

Anonymous said...

Haha tooo cute! I will be sad when Hailey goes to preschool!

Sarah said...

She is such a sweetie! I love the feedback, sounds straight from her mouth. ;)

Andie said...

I'm so glad she had a wonderful time. I am trying to do something I call "Trigger Questions" for my parents each day. I have 1/4 sheet of paper with 4-5 questions about what we did today...what did the frog do in our story? Who was the line leader? Which center did you play in today? that kind of thing so that the parents have a direction to take the questions...I never get very much out of MY kids when I ask "What did you do today at school?" They always say "Nothing." I am so glad she had a great time!!!

Unknown said...

That is too cute! I love it!

tiarastantrums said...

that a lot - from nothing to all that!!

I get nothing - each and every time!!