Monday, January 21, 2008

Are you listening Mother Nature?!?!?!?!

Who else is ready for Spring???

I sure am. I am so sick of the cold. It was fun for awhile and now I am done. I am ready to not have to worry if I will be driving on ice. I am ready to not see another snow flake until next year. I am ready to be able to let Natalie go outside and run off some of her bottled up energy. I am ready to get the girls dressed to go for the day without layering tights and socks and warm pants and a sweatshirt and a coat and gloves and a hat...... I am just SO ready!!!!!

Bring on the warm sunshiney days!!!!


Sarah said...

----------> ME, ME! I am ready for Spring. I can't wait till Tay and I can go on our walks, and play in the back yard. I am sick of being in the house all day.

Anonymous said...

I am excited to be able to take hailey to the zoo and her not sleep the whole time.

Andie said...