Thursday, January 24, 2008

I wasn't officially tagged, but whatever....

I got this idea from another blog I read every so often and I thought I might try it.

The Top Five Reasons I Write a Blog

1. Because I suck at baby books: I tried. I really did. But I failed miserably at keeping up Natalie's baby books. Most of the important stuff is in there. Most of it. Not all. It still makes me sad to look up something and find that I didn't write it down. I thought I could remember. I couldn't. So now I write it in my blog, print out the blog month by month, and have everything in writing.

2. Because I can't afford therapy: I am a talker. You've probably met one if you aren't one yourself. One of those people who like to put words to their feelings and "talk things out". This is me. But I don't always have someone to listen (unless you count Natalie, and her advice is usually to have a cookie and be happy...and really, is that such bad advice?). So I type. Not everything of course because some things need to remain private. But I get things off my chest and I feel better. I would feel even better if more of you actually commented... (thanks to those who do. It really does mean a lot to me.)

3. Because secretly I want to be a professional writer: Or not so secretly. I want to write novels when I actually get enough time and inspiration to do so. But until then I just want to write words and have people read them. My big college dream was to go off and write for Rolling Stone magazine. But life happened and I didn't follow that dream. So I write a blog for now.

4. Because I love words: This kind of goes back to #3, but it's my blog and if I want to repeat myself I can. So there. I love language and what the written word can do. I love reading something that makes me think or laugh or get angry, anything as long as it touches me in some way. I hope my words touch some of you occasionally. It makes me so excited to find new words (yes, I realize I am a hopeless dork) and use them to get my point across.

5. Because I can: I have heard that there once was a dark, dark time where there wasn't such a thing as a "blog". People had to write in journals (gasp) and some didn't write at all (double gasp). I was never good at the journal thing. I would start with good intentions but by the fourth or fifth entry of "well, today was another boring day. maybe something will happen tomorrow" I would get bored and the journal would be put aside and forgotten. Then two years later I would come across it and try again with the same result. With my blog I can write boring shit and people still read it. And every now and then I write something kind of cool. And it makes me happy.

So, that's that. I am still tired and not having the greatest day, but my blog has yet again come through for me and given me a bit of joy and respite from my boredom. So now I am tagging you, yes you, to do this too. It's kind of fun and makes you think. Yet another reason I write my blog!


Anonymous said...

Just letting ya much i enjoy reading your blog...Might not be a #1 selling novel or in a popular magazine...but I love readin about all the funny things Natalie does...and it is good to know I am not the only one that has kids that sometimes drives me insane...hope ya get to get some zzzzz's tonight.. =)...
Catch ya Later!!!

Sarah said...

Loni, you were the one who inspired me to write my blog. I love it. So thank you. I love that people read my crazy thoughts. And like you said, you get to know people better.