Thursday, January 24, 2008

My night....

10:45: the girls are finally both asleep. yippy!
10:45-11:15: Larry and I talk for a little bit even though I know it's a bad idea and I should just go to bed, but we haven't really got to talk since this weekend.
11:15: Vanessa wakes up and cries. Natalie wakes up because Vanessa is crying.
11:18: tuck Natalie back in, say goodnight and she goes back to sleep
11:30: I have finally rocked Vanessa back to sleep
11:35: my head hits the pillow and I am asleep
12:30: Vanessa is back up. She wakes Natalie up too and she gets in my bed. I give up and let her stay.
12:40: Vanessa is back asleep. It is so cold and I just want to cuddle in my bed. I find Natalie sprawled out all over my side. I am terrified to move her and wake her up because I just want to sleep. I grab a pillow and head to the couch.
12:45: I'm asleep.
1:45: Vanessa is awake again. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
2:00: Vanessa is asleep again.
2:00-4:15: Two whole hours of sleep. Oh, glorious sleep.
4:14: Vanessa is up and hungry. I give her a bottle. I rock her. I threaten that if she doesn't go to sleep this instant she might not see her first birthday. I promise if she goes to sleep I will buy her a brand new car on her sixteenth, no fifteenth, birthday.
5:00: She is asleep and she WILL NOT be getting a car, maybe ever.
5:10-7:15: I have been up and down so much that my brain is racing. I start to threaten it that if it doesn't shut down and go to sleep I will replace it with a new, better brain that is more willing to sleep when it has a chance. Sometime along the way I do drift off.
7:15: I am being poked by Natalie. I tell her it is too early, I take her back to my bed, we lay down and go back to sleep.
7:55: Vanessa is awake for the day. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sweetie. I'm so sorry. I don't know how you function on so little sleep. It does prove the old adage true.....'That's why the young have the babies'......or something like that. I'm too old to remember. Anyway, I hope you get some rest soon. I love you.

Andie said...

I totally feel your pain. My night was more up and stay up than down. Bethany came to our bed at 2:15 (we're trying to stop this little habit!). That turkey even thought she was moving in and brought her own pillow which she promply tried to smother me with. I took her back to her own bed and rubbed her back for a while...thought she was asleep and went back to my bed. I litterally had one leg on the bed and she was crying (mind you, she's almost 4 years old!!!) so back I went. I got her some cough medicine to help sooth her constant cough, and the drousy effect wouldn't hurt either, would it?? Rubbed her back some more, back to leg thing again. So, I crawled in bed with her and she fell asleep about 30 minutes later (I'm about to loose it at this point!) so, I snuck out and went back to my leg in, crying!! AHHHH! I went and turned on her lullaby music (who cares if it wakes Abbie!) and rubbed her back for one more minute (ok, maybe 5) and then told her to go to SLEEP, mommy is freezing and going to my own bed. "You are to stay HERE, I'll see you in the morning." By this time it was about 3:45. I was just drifting off about 4, and who crawls in MY bed? At least this time she didn't try to smother me with her pillow, so I just rolled over and tried to get some sleep!
If I figure out how to get my 3 yo to sleep all night in her own bed, I'll let you know...and if yo figure out any magic pills, let me know!!!!
Blessings (and get some sleep!)

Andie said...

I totally feel your pain. My night was more up and stay up than down. Bethany came to our bed at 2:15 (we're trying to stop this little habit!). That turkey even thought she was moving in and brought her own pillow which she promply tried to smother me with. I took her back to her own bed and rubbed her back for a while...thought she was asleep and went back to my bed. I litterally had one leg on the bed and she was crying (mind you, she's almost 4 years old!!!) so back I went. I got her some cough medicine to help sooth her constant cough, and the drousy effect wouldn't hurt either, would it?? Rubbed her back some more, back to leg thing again. So, I crawled in bed with her and she fell asleep about 30 minutes later (I'm about to loose it at this point!) so, I snuck out and went back to my leg in, crying!! AHHHH! I went and turned on her lullaby music (who cares if it wakes Abbie!) and rubbed her back for one more minute (ok, maybe 5) and then told her to go to SLEEP, mommy is freezing and going to my own bed. "You are to stay HERE, I'll see you in the morning." By this time it was about 3:45. I was just drifting off about 4, and who crawls in MY bed? At least this time she didn't try to smother me with her pillow, so I just rolled over and tried to get some sleep!
If I figure out how to get my 3 yo to sleep all night in her own bed, I'll let you know...and if yo figure out any magic pills, let me know!!!!
Blessings (and get some sleep!)

Sarah said...

My nights don't sound so bad anymore. Tay does get up a lot, but I barely can open my eyes to see the clock. I am like a zombie making her a drink and changing diapers in the dark.

Bless you Loni. I know you can't see the end, but better times are a commin.